
Do You Need a Dresser in Your Bedroom?

A dresser is a classic furniture piece that people have used for decades. They are handy pieces to store foldable items that cannot be hung. However, with many closets now featuring built-in drawers, the need for dressers is fading. Many people are unsure if they should invest their money in a dresser when they are furnishing their bedrooms. But, the truth is, there are many uses for these furniture pieces. Below, you will find some common benefits people get when they do decide to invest in a quality dresser.

Why a Dresser Could Be Needed in Your Bedroom

Added Storage for Household Items

Dressers, as you likely know, are typically used to store clothing items. However, there are no rules for storage in your own home. You can use your bedroom dresser as storage for a variety of household items. For example, you can use them to store kids’ or dog toys, office supplies, electronics, and much more. If you think you would only use one or two drawers, consider what other items you would like to store.

Chances are, you have many other items that could use a home when they are not being used. Perhaps you have items that you would prefer to store in your bedroom, but have never had the spot to do so. For example, blankets tend to be stored in laundry rooms or linen closets. But, it may make more sense to store them in your bedroom if you have the room to do so. If you are concerned about how to properly store household items in a bedroom dresser, we recommend purchasing one with shelves, such as our Denton Wardrobe, pictured below. This will give you amazing storage options for any household item you have. Don’t limit yourself to using furniture how it’s “supposed” to be used. If you feel you would benefit from getting some added storage, then invest in a beautiful bedroom dresser!

For Extra Surface Space

The bedroom is an amazing spot for decorations. Family photos, heart-warming quotes, and house plants make for the perfect decorations in a bedroom. However, without a dresser, it is difficult to find a spot for these decorations. A dresser provides much-needed surface space to place your favorite photo of your kids or your beautiful house plant. Our Augustine Dresser, which is pictured below, is a great dresser to purchase if you are looking for some surface space.

To Give Your Room a Cozier Feel

Your bedroom should feel cozy and comfortable. It should be the room you can walk into and take a deep breath of fresh air after a long day. If your bedroom does not feel like this, consider changing the space around. Whether this means changing your decorations or purchasing a brand new furniture piece, make your space cozy. If your bedroom is less than welcoming, consider purchasing a new style furniture piece, such as a farmhouse dresser or a comfortable lounge chair.

Farmhouse Augustine Dresser

To Tie Your Bedroom Together

Some people feel as though the bedroom isn’t finished without a beautiful, solid wood dresser. We have to agree. If you have a spacious bedroom, there will likely be an empty wall or two if you do not invest in a dresser. Even if you purchase a tall and narrow dresser, it can still add some personality to your room and make it feel finished. Some prefer to purchase bedroom dresser sets, where their bed and dresser match. A great example of this is our Lake House Dresser and our Lake House Bed.

To Hold Your Bedroom T.V.

Many people use bedroom dressers as T.V. stands. It can be difficult to find a spot for the T.V. to sit in a bedroom, especially in smaller spaces. So, while dressers are an excellent spot for photos, storing household items, and adding a feeling of coziness, they are also great T.V. stands. If you want to avoid the look of cords in your bedroom but still want a T.V., you can put your cable box or streaming device in one of the dresser’s drawers. Just be sure not to block off necessary airflow for the device with clothing, as this can lead to overheating.

An excellent wood dresser to use as a T.V. stand is our Hamilton Dresser, which is pictured below. Its two smaller top drawers make for the perfect place to hold a cable box or an Apple T.V. system. Its four bottom drawers give you just enough room for your foldable clothes without taking up too much space. No matter which piece you choose, if you love to watch your favorite show or the news before bed or as you are getting ready, consider using a dresser as a T.V. stand.

wood dresser with drawers

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Regalia Scientific
Regalia Scientific

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